Meeting with representatives of “Evex Hospitals”

Meeting with representatives of “Evex Hospitals”

On December 17, 2021, an online meeting was organized by the Student Relations Office with representatives of “Evex Hospitals” to introduce employment opportunities for university students and alumni and provide the information needed for their career advancement. The following representatives from Evex Hospitals attended the meeting: Tamar Dausi – Nursing Development Coordinator, Nino Shaduri- Head …

Student Theoretical and Practical Online Conference

Student Theoretical and Practical Online Conference

On December 16, 2021, Student Theoretical and Practical Online Conference on the topic: “Modern Issues in Medicine and Management” was organized by the Teaching University Geomedi. Students presented reports in the field of medicine, dentistry, rehabilitation, economics, and management. Following each presentation, a discussion was held. The Jury members evaluated the reports and determined the …

Meeting on Student Employment Opportunities

On December 13, 2021, at 13:00, an info-sharing meeting will be held between the Dean of Healthcare Economics and Management faculty and a representative of the company “Doctra”. The meeting agenda is the following: to hold an employment forum and a vacancy introduction for students of Healthcare Economics and Management faculty.

Book presentation

Book presentation

The second edition of Professor Teimuraz Tavkhelidze’s book “General Pathology” has been published. The book reviews the issues of general pathological anatomy and general pathological physiology. The textbook was printed by University Geomedi. The book is intended for medical students and those interested in pathology. It is available at the University Library.

Seminar “Towards Successful Scientific Research”

On December 10, 2021, at 15:00, the seminar “Towards Successful Scientific Research” will be conducted at the conference hall of Teaching University Geomedi. It will be presented by Assistant Professor Arian Matin and Associate Professor Tornike Khoshtaria. At the seminar, they will discuss: How to plan and conduct successful scientific research How to get published …