The Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine is an independent, scientific-research unit of the University, which is supervised by its Scientific Board. The institute consists of the scientific and auxiliary structural units, such as departments, laboratories, vivarium and so on.
Institute Activities
The Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine coordinates the scientific-research activities of the University. Its objectives are:
- Carry out scientific-research activities in accordance with the scientific course of the University;
- Ensure laboratory research, generalize research results and publish scientific papers;
- Cooperate with local and foreign leading scientific-research institutions; participate in international scientific projects within the framework of scientific programs.
- Organize international and national conferences, symposia and workshops in order to present the research findings.

Zurab Tsetskhladze
Doctor of Science, Professor
Email: zurab.tsetskhladze@geomedi.edu.ge
Zurab Tsetskhladze earned his PhD degree in Biological Sciences in 2006 from the Institute of Molecular Biology and Biological Physics of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. In 2007-2014, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Pennsylvania State University (USA) and then a Research Associate in molecular genetics. He has vast experience working as a faculty member in academia as well as a research director of a branch of a company (2014-2020). Zurab Tsetskhladze is a co-author of nearly ten research papers and has participated in numerous international conferences.
Molecular Medicine Laboratory
Head of Laboratory – Malkhaz Vakhania, Doctor of Science
The research area of the Molecular Medicine Laboratory is the study of plant polyphenols and protein extracts and their effect on laboratory animals. Plant extracts are used on Lab animals, which have various diseases or pre-disease developments caused by chemically toxic substances. Both endemic and unexplored plants common in the Caucasus region are used to obtain polyphenols and protein extracts in the laboratory.
Pathomorphological Laboratory
Head of Laboratory – Teimuraz Tavkhelidze, MD, Ph.D., Professor
The subject of the research of Pathomorphological Laboratory is the pathomorphological examination of tissues excised from the organs of Lab animals and patients, using both macroscopic and microscopic methods.
Regulation of the Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine