On June 24, 2021, University Geomedi will hold its Spring theoretical-practical Conference for students on the topic: “Modern Problems of Medicine and Management”, which will be conducted online due to the epidemiological situation. Applicants must submit materials to the email: conference@geomedi.edu.ge no later than June 15 (see instructions). All students participating in the conference will be …
Single-cycle Medical Degree Program (Georgian) / Single-Cycle Medical Degree Program (English) Fall Semester: Lectures, midterm exams and final exams – 12 October – 05 March Final exams – February 15 – March 05, except for curation courses Holidays – January 4-15 Additional exams – March 8-19 Holidays – March 20-28
The electronic version of the proceedings of Student Scientific-Practical Conference held on July 17, 2020 on the topic: “Problems and Achievements in Modern Medicine and Management” can be seen Here
With the involvement of the University students and with the support of the administration, the first issue of the Georgian-English newspaper entitled “Geomedi Life” will be published. Those, interested to work in the editorial board of upon mentioned newspaper, please contact the university editorial office, Room # 315. Contact information:Merab MerabishviliMob: 593 31 83 33merab.merabishvili@geomedi.edu.ge
Dear Students! Due to pandemic situation, not all students have been able to return to Georgia yet. Students who are not in the country and can not pass the current exams, have the opportunity to arrive at the country no later than January 5th , as the rest of the pending quizzes and midterm exams …