The International Relations Office is one of the structural units of the university. Its primary objective is to expand international relations, facilitate the internationalization process, develop collaborative projects, and establish partnerships with various foreign universities and educational institutions. One of the responsibilities of the Office is to engage students, researchers, administrative and academic staff in international exchange projects, conferences, or seminars and to assist them in this regard. The Office also promotes a multicultural environment at the university.
Internationalization policyRecognition and Membership
The educational programs at University Geomedi meet the required European standards, which is proven by the accreditations granted. The medical education program is developed and accredited to WFME standards and recognized by the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER).
National Medical Commission of India (NMC)
The National Medical Commission of India (formerly the Medical Council of India) is a regulatory body that regulates the issues related to medicine: medical education, medical professionals, medical qualifications, accreditation to medical schools, the medical infrastructure in India. Geomedi has been recognized by the Medical Council of India since 2015.
Council of Higher Education of Turkey (CoHE)
The Council of Higher Education of Turkey is an autonomous institution that is responsible for the planning, coordination, and governance of the higher education system in Turkey in accordance with the Turkish Constitution and the Higher Education Laws. University Geomedi received its recognition in 2020.
Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
University Geomedi is a member of the International Association for Medical Education. AMEE was founded in 1972 in the UK and members include 90 medical institutions and national medical associations from five continents.
International Cooperation
Based on memorandums, the university collaborates with universities, scientific-research institutions, clinics in Europe, USA and Asia, which enables students, academic and administrative staff to enrich their knowledge with international experience. The University always strives to encourage and promote the involvement of students and academic staff in international projects.
The information about funding opportunities, grants and scholarships announced by various organizations / foundations can be found on the following websites:
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