On 21st November, 2018, the Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference “Modern Issues in Biomedicine” was held at conference hall of Teaching University Geomedi. The Conference was attended by well-known scientists, Doctors of Medicine, members of various international society and Academy: Prof. Guram Bekaia; Doctors of Biological Sciences Prof. Durmishkhan Chitashvili and Prof. Marina Pirtskhalava; member of …
On December 20th, 2018 Teaching University Geomedi hosted the 10th Student International Scientific-Practical Conference. The authors of the best works were revealed by the jury as follows: Ist place – Sanjeev Menon (the Faculty of the Medicine, 4th year student) IIndplace – Tornike Koroglishvili (the Faculty of Dentistry, 5th year student) IIIrd place – Nikoloz …