On December 6, a training “Library services and their use. Use of international scientific databases” was conducted for first-year English-speaking students of the Faculty of Medicine. Led by Nana Tsertsvadze, Deputy Director of the University Library.
1. Teaching University Geomedi LLC is announcing a competition for an exchange program financed by the Erasmus + programme for 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th semester students of the Faculty of Medicine at Grigore T. Popa university of Medicine and Pharmacy. Only students with active status can participate in the competition. The available place is 1 (one).The …
On December 20, 2024, Teaching University Geomedi will hold a scientific-practical conference. The deadline for the paper submission is December 13, 2024, to the following e-mail address: conference@geomedi.edu.ge Attached files:Professors’ Conference Paper Guideline
On December 13, 2024, University Geomedi will hold student theoretical-practical conference. The deadline for the conference paper submission is December 2nd, 2024, to the following e-mail address: conference@geomedi.edu.ge Attached files:Student Conference Papers GuidelinesSupervisor consent form for student participation in the conference
On September 23, training was held for first-year students of the faculty of Dentistry, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Health Care Economics, and Management. The speaker was Nana Tsertsvadze – the deputy director of the University Library. The purpose of the training was to familiarize students with library services so that they could easily find the …