Training: Library services and their use

Training: Library services and their use

On December 6, a training “Library services and their use. Use of international scientific databases” was conducted for first-year English-speaking students of the Faculty of Medicine. Led by Nana Tsertsvadze, Deputy Director of the University Library.

Scientific-Practical Conference for Professors

On December 20, 2024, Teaching University Geomedi will hold a scientific-practical conference. The deadline for the paper submission is December 13, 2024, to the following e-mail address: Attached files:Professors’ Conference Paper Guideline

Student Theoretical-Practical Conference

On December 13, 2024, University Geomedi will hold student theoretical-practical conference. The deadline for the conference paper submission is December 2nd, 2024, to the following e-mail address: Attached files:Student Conference Papers GuidelinesSupervisor consent form for student participation in the conference

Training for first-year Students

Training for first-year Students

On September 23, training was held for first-year students of the faculty of Dentistry, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Health Care Economics, and Management. The speaker was Nana Tsertsvadze – the deputy director of the University Library. The purpose of the training was to familiarize students with library services so that they could easily find the …