For the attention of students willing to participate in internal mobility for the fall semester of the 2021-2022 academic year!

1. A person has the right to participate in internal mobility
1.1. if she/he is a student of Teaching University Geomedi LLC., including the suspended ones;

2. Restriction of the right to participate in internal mobility
2.1. The right to participate in internal mobility arises for the student after one semester of studying at the relevant level of higher education. The period of study does not include the time during which the person had suspended student status.
2.2. An additional semester student is not eligible to participate in internal mobility;
2.3. The student has the right to participate in internal mobility only on the educational program, which is relevant to:
A) the framework of the Unified National Exams, the subject / subjects established by Article 6, Paragraph 2 and / or Paragraph 8 of the “Regulations for Conducting the Unified National Examinations” approved by the Order №19/N, in February 18, 2011, by the order of Minister of Education and Science, according which, whose, Who passed the Unified National Examinations in 2020 and after;
B) Type of General Master’s Exam test;
This paragraph does not apply to students who have passed the General Master’s Exams before 2020, as well as to those students who have not passed the type of General Master’s Exam test.

3. Credit recognition
In the process of internal mobility, student’s credits are recognized in accordance with the “Rules for conformity of educational programs and recognition of credits” of Teaching University Geomedi LLC.

4. Timeframes for Internal mobility
A) submission of the documents – from August 30 to September 10;
B) credit recognition – September 14;
C) informing the students about the credit recognition and signing the contract – September 15.

5. List of documents to be submitted:
A) Application form
B) Student’s study card (certified with faculty seal and signed by the Dean).
C) A copy of the ID card
