Dear Friends, Future Colleagues!
Geomedi is one of the most successful higher education institutions in Georgia. The University provides students with a high-quality education and ensures the graduates with the competencies necessary for their future career. Equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills received at our University, graduates successfully continue their work in leading clinics and medical institutions of our country and abroad. Educational programs at the University are in line with modern European standards. The University collaborates with many foreign educational and scientific-research institutions, which allows us to fulfill many international projects.
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician;
Founder and Rector of University GEOMEDI
About the Rector
After graduating from the Faculty of Chemistry at Georgian Polytechnic Institute and then the Faculty of Biology at Tbilisi State University, both with honors, Professor Marina Pirtskhalava started her scientific career at the Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Therapy, where, in 1974, under the guidance of Academician Nodar Kipshidze and Academician Leila Tkemaladze, she defended her thesis on the topic: „Изоэнзимы в диагностике острых и хронических заболеваний печени“ and was awarded the title “Ph.D. candidate in Biological Sciences”. For scientific research she also was awarded a diploma “Старшитар научный сотрудник” from ВАК.
In 1990 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic: „Мембранные механизмы повреждения печени тетрахлорметаном“ and was awarded the degree: “Doctor of Biological Sciences”.
In 1991 Marina Pirtskhalava was elected as the Head of the Biology and General Genetics Department at Georgian State Medical Institute and received the title of Professor. She was actively involved in the pedagogical and scientific-research work at the institute. She conducted the course “Medical Biology”. Prof. Marina Pirtskhalava developed some innovative teaching methods and among them was test-based examinations, not only during the educational process, but also for the university entrance exams, which was a revolutionary step in the field of education in Georgia at that time.
In 1994, Professor Marina Pirtskhalava was elected as a full member at the Academy of Preventive Medicine and Human Ecology.
Professor Marina Pirtskhalava founded the ” Institute of Stomatology” (later University Geomedi).
In 2020, she established the Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine at University Geomedi and set up the foundation for the Scientists. Under her guidance the University single-cycle educational programs for the degree of Medical Doctor were granted accreditation by the ACQUIN (Accreditation, Certification and Quality Assurance Institute) for the first time in Georgia.
Professor Marina Pirtskhalava has been awarded many times for her scientific and pedagogical work:– in 2000, The American Biographical Institute awarded her with the title: “Woman of the Year” and in 2001, same institute awarded her for: “Outstanding Contributions to the Professional and Business World”.– In 2001, the Cambridge International Biographical Center, for the contribution to the science awarded her with the Medal: “International Woman of the Year”. In the same year, she received The Lifetime Achievements Award from the American Biographical Institute. She was also awarded with the Golden Key – known as “Key of Success”, for the leadership in Science.– In 2002, Cambridge International Biographical Center in England awarded Prof. Marina Pirtskhalava with the diploma: „Outstanding Contributions to Biochemistry” in the same year she received a Gold Medal with two ribbons from the Spencer family and was recognized as an International Woman.– In 2003, the magazine “who is who” published the article about Professor Marina Pirtskhalava’s work and life achievements in its eighth edition. She is also included in the list of 2000 prominent Europeans of the XXI century, and the world’s prominent intellectuals.– in 2003, Marina Pirtskhalava received “The 21st Century Award for Achievement” and “Illuminated Diploma of Honors” from the Cambridge International Biographical Center.
Professor Marina Pirtskhalava has published 150 scientific papers, including 4 monographs and 1 textbook in biochemistry. She is still actively involved in the development of educational process, as well as scientific and pedagogical activities.