Webinar on Working with Elsevier Databases

On October 20, 2022, at 1:00 p.m., with the support of University Library, a webinar on the topic: “Georgian institutional profiles in Scopus and how to manage it” will be conducted by the Elsevier representative – Galina Yakshonak.

For registration, please follow the link: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_94T6NP6sQ-qEX4X9V26ThQ

 language of communication – English. University Library also wants to inform you that, other Elsevier webinars are available, covering various topics related to the use of Elsevier scientific databases. You can attend both scheduled seminars and view recordings of already-held webinars.

For access, please follow the link: https://www.elsevier.com/pl-pl/events/elsevier-training-and-demo-webinars
