The goal of the examination center is to create a unified, internal examination system at the university, which ensures a transparent, objective and fair assessment of students’ knowledge, skills, and competences, also enhances the quality of the university’s educational level.
Functions and responsibilities of examination center are:
- To organize midterm, final and additional exams in the university
- To ensure timely delivery of tests by professors
- To organize and facilitate the examination process with the proper technical equipment and legal environment at the University Examination Center
- To provide students with complete information about the examination procedure, timeframe, format and exam results
- To conduct exams properly including recruitment and training of examination observers
- To create electronic database for each student’s exam results in the university
The Rules and Guidelines for Conducting Exams:
- Midterm and final exams are held at examination center of Teaching University Geomedi LLC
- In case of curate training, the midterm exam can be conducted at the clinic, which will be attended by the representative of the dean’s office
- Registration for the exam starts 15 minutes before the test begins. Registration time is not included in the examination time. Delayed student will not be allowed to pass without the right to restore the relevant exam. The student is also required to represent an ID card
- During the test, any electronic device (mobile phone, photo and video cameras, etc.) should be shut down and stored in specially designed lockers
- It is inadmissible to assist another person on the examination, to receive assistance from others, or to attempt or to promote another person for assistance
- Removing the student from the exam may be caused by: obtaining examination materials; use of other technical means other than the permit; after the expiration of the exam time; making any records on examination materials; use of conspectus, books and other materials; speaking; acting noisy; using gesticulations; cheating; hindering other student in any form; Consulting or communicate with other persons outside the auditorium during the exam; copying examination materials and any kind of attempt to take out of the auditorium; passing the exam instead of the other person; failure to follow the instructions of the examiner, to comply with the instructions during the exam or insulting the examiner
- The student’s removal or the cancellation of the exam is recorded in the protocol
- Student’s examination results can be appealed in written form (Appeal Form). The student should apply to the dean with the statement. The Dean is obliged to consider the complaint with the study course executor within 3 working days and make a decision to change / maintain the assessment. Whatever the decision is it should be announced to the student on the same day. In case the student is not satisfied with the decision, he / she has the right to request the work to be re-evaluated by another specialist of the course. The student must be informed with the result of the reassessment during the exams period, so as not to violate the student’s interest and rights
Contact Information
The Head of the Examination Center – David Chikhradze