- Statute
- Regulation of the University
- The Regulation of the Academic Board
- Regulatory Rule for Academic Process
- Internal Regulations and Disciplinary Liability Norms
- Code of Ethics
- Regulation of the Quality Assurance Office
- Quality Assurance Policy
- Regulation of the Human Resources Management Office
- Regulation of the Chancellery Office
- The Regulations of Finance Office
- Regulation of the Student Relations Office
- Regulation of the Professional Development and Residency Office
- Regulation of the Security and Labor Safety Service
- Regulation of International Relations and Public Relations Office
- Regulation of Information Technologies and Computer Support Services
- Regulation of the Library
- Regulation of the Examination Center
- Regulation of Student Service Center
- Regulation of the Faculty of Dentistry
- Regulation of the Faculty of Medicine
- Regulation of the Faculty of Health Care Economics and Management
- Regulation of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Regulation of the Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine
- Regulation of University Dental Clinic
- The Rules for the Development, Implementation, Development and Assessment of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Single-cycle Educational Program
- Rules for the Conformity of Educational Programs and the Recognition of Credits
- Internal and External Mechanisms for Quality Teaching Assessment
- Methodology of Analysis of Assessment Data
- Plagiarism Detecting and Responding Rules
- The Mechanism and Methodology for Student and Personnel Contingent Planning
- The rule for appointing administrative / support personnel
- Rules for Selecting and Appointing Academic Personnel
- Rules for Selecting Invited Personnel for Implementation of Education Program
- Assessment System of Scientific Working Productivity and Quality of the Academic/Affiliate Staff of the University
- Rule on Participation in the International Exchange Program for Student and Personnel
- Methodology of Young Personnel Recruitment and Their Engagement in Scientific Research
- Information Technology (IT) Management Policy
- Business Continuity Plan
- Internationalization policy
- Regulation of Science Foundation